I posted this a while back, it's fairly accurate. The number on the left is the in game timer..it's how I do the bonus fairly consistently with a moderately good group. Standard follow-the-leader fighting..no tricks here.
9:55 2 Arcanists spawn East; Meet them at the bottom of stairs and dispense of them quickly.
9:35 2 Arcanists spawn South,
9:15 2 Arcanists spawn West; Kill these four quickly in the field outside of ghost stand.
9:00 2 More Arcanists Spawn East
8:45 2 More Arcanists West; Actively dispense of all remaining Arcanists.
8:00 Worm spawns East; ignore. Arcanists should be dead.
7:45 Worm spawns South; ignore.
7:30 2 Bows spawn South; Actively dispose of them by pulling. Note: If your PUG is quick enough, you can step outside south gate and aggro the jades. If your party is really really good you can kill the boss, but dont try either of these as it will cost you the bonus.
7:15 Hammer/Sword Spawn West; Destroy them at gate.
6:30 Worm west; ignore.
5:40 Boss Spawns West with Bow/Sword; Kill as quickly as possible as your now on bonus time.
4:00 First Boss dead at West gate; always at 4:00. Good parties can save time here and have 4:30 atleast. Immediately run out south gate at this point.
2:50 Second Boss dead outside South gate, 3 Arcanists head from South to gate to gank the ghost through the West gate; ignore them.
1:30 Third boss dead inside fort.
0:22 Final boss dead; Bonus done, although ghostly hero is getting pwned by the arcanists that spawned at 2:50.
0:00 Mission done, ghostly hero at 25% health. Often hero dies but bonus complete. Ways to compensate for this are slow totem, or send monk back at about 2:00 mark.
Note on slow totem: Leave it at the west gate to ensure mission success by slowing down the 3 arcanists that sneak in the base. I never do this but it would work.